
* books of increased interest 
** books of extreme importance to the understanding Sacred Geometry

** Brunes, T., The Secrets of Ancient Geometry–and Its Uses,.
Copenhagen, Rhodos, 1967

Critchlow, Keith, and Lawlor, Robert, Lindisfarne Letter, Geometry and Architecture, Massachusetts, Lindisfarne Press, 1980

*Durer, Albrecht, The Roman Alphabet of Albrecht Durer, Translated by Guy Coates, London College of Printing, 1969

**Drucker, Johanna, The Alphabetic Labyrinth, The Letters in History and Imagination, Thames and Hudson, London, 1995

Eisen, William, The English Cabalah, Volume 2, The Mysteries of Phi, California, DeVorss and Company, 1982

Ferlauto, Steven, The Sacred Abecedarium, Wisconsin, Sailorboy Press, 2000

Fuller, R. Buckminster, Synergetics, New York, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1982

Ghyka, M., The Geometry of Art and Life, New York, Dover, 1978

Goines, David Lance, A Constructed Roman Alphabet, Boston, 1982

Goudy, Frederick w., The Alphabet and Elements of Lettering, New York, Dorset Press, 1989

*Gray, Nicolete, The Newberry alphabet and the revival of the roman capital in fifteenth-century Italy, Typography papers 6, London,
Hyphen Press, 2005

Hambridge, J., The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry, New York, Dover, 1967

Huntley, H.E., The Divine Proportion, New York: Dover Publications, 1970

Kappraff J., A Secret of Ancient Geometry: An introduction to the geometry of Tons Brunes. Unpublished monograph, 1992.

**Lawlor, Robert, Sacred Geometry, Philosophy and Practice, New York, The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1982

*Livio, Mario, The Golden Ratio, New York, Broadway Books, 2002

Meisner, Gary B., The Golden Ratio, The Divine Beauty of Mathematics, Race Point Publishing, New York NY, 2018

**Paciolli, Luca, and Da Vinci, Leonardo, De Divina Proportione, Leopold Publishing, 2014, Facsimile of the original printing, 1509

Plato, The Republic, Translated by Jowett, B., United Kingdom, Capstone Publishing, 2012

Raleigh, A. S., Occult Geometry, California, Devorss and Company, 1932

Serlio, Sebastiano, The Five Books of Architecture, An Unabridged Reprint of the English Edition of 1611, New York, Dover, 1982

*Shaw, Paul, The Eternal Letter, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 2015

**Stewart, Malcolm, Patterns of Eternity, Sacred Geometry and The Starcut Diagram, Floris Books, Edinburgh, 2009

**Tory, Geofroy, Champ Fleury, Paris, 1529, Translation by George B. Ives, Grolier Club, New York, 1927

Weiss, Egon, The Design of Lettering, New York, Pencil Point Press, 1932

Wilson, Alistair Macintosh, The Infinite in the Finite, New York, Oxford University Press 1995

About the Artist

Steven Ferlauto